Duluth, Minnesota knows solid textile manufacturing, which is why they love the rugs from rugs.com. We feature all of their favorites in the bestsellers section of our website. Browse through their favorite area rugs, outdoor rugs, entryway rugs, and more to see how they are decorating their homes in Duluth this month. Let your neighbors be your guide to the next great rug for your living room!

If you just moved to Duluth and are looking for the perfect rug for every room, then look no further than rugs.com. We have every style, color, and shape rug available anywhere from all of the major manufacturers. Our customer service agents are available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have in Duluth about rugs. We also offer free, one-day shipping so you can get your rug as soon as tomorrow.

See all of the trending rugs in Duluth below:

Bestselling Rugs in Duluth

These are the rugs customers from Duluth, MN bought most often.

These rugs were the best sellers in the Duluth, MN-WI metro area which includes: Alborn, Angora, Aurora, Babbitt, Barnes, Barnum, Beaver Bay, Biwabik, Brimson, Britt, Brookston, Brule, Buhl, Buyck, Canyon, Carlton, Chisholm, Cloquet, Cook, Crane Lake, Cromwell, Duluth, Ely, Embarrass, Esko, Eveleth, Finland, Floodwood, Forbes, Foxboro, Gilbert, Gordon, Hawthorne, Hermantown, Hibbing, Holyoke, Hoyt Lakes, Iron, Isabella, Kelsey, Kettle River, Kinney, Knife River, Lake Nebagamon, Little Marais, Makinen, Maple, Meadowlands, Moose Lake, Mountain Iron, Poplar, Proctor, Saginaw, Sawyer, Side Lake, Soudan, Superior, Tower, Two Harbors, Virginia, Wentworth, Winton, Wrenshall, Wright.

Other metro areas in MN:

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